This is the second of my raven series, the third is in progress and I'm planning on more. I'm still making friends with my digital camera, and the download process to my computer.
Why do I lose files? Can't find them, then the camera reports there are no new pics when I try over. I do believe my eyesight is one of the problems, and have taken measures to correct that. Glasses should be ready in a couple of days. I can see to read pretty well, but the small print on most web pages drives me crazy. If I change the resolution and make it bigger, the whole site does not fit on my screen. I'm not willing at this time to spring for a larger screen ... I see people with tiny computer screens managing quite well. I don't have that patience.
I did purchase a NOOK with credit card points. I haven't read much in the past few years due to discomfort of holding a book in just the right place, in the right light etc. Since purchasing the e-reader, I've read eight books. If anyone has a suggestion of a well written interesting documentary or novel, anything actually, please be kind and make a suggestion. I haven't kept up with the latest bestsellers. I do like the fact that you can usually read the first chapter of any book for free before you decide to purchase.
Back to artwork ... I don't know why I'm painting ravens, the idea occurred to me so I tried it. I figure if you have an idea, any idea, from calling a friend to what you might include in an image, follow your instinct. If you get stuck creating, just keep going. I find a painting I'm not happy with for awhile will speak for itself, (your artist's knowledge) and will transform into a piece that is more than satisfactory.l
Merry Christmas and a creative year ahead!